Firmware overview#

There are different firmwares for different flavours of sensor nodes. We have single sensor nodes with GPRS uplink and tandem nodes using RF radio links to communicate between multiple sensor nodes and a single gateway node.



List of GSM-based firmwares.



Open Hive GSM and WiFi sensor nodes

node-gprs-http.ino is the firmware source code powering the Open Hive Box. It transmits sensor data by HTTP using the GPRSbee GSM modem.


List of WiFi-based firmwares, all are based on the ESP8266.



Open Hive GSM and WiFi sensor nodes

node-gprs-http.ino is the firmware source code powering the Open Hive WiFi Solar sensor node based on the ESP8266 core for Arduino. It transmits sensor data using WiFi/HTTP.

ESP8266 beehive scale based on Homie

node-wifi-mqtt-homie.ino is the firmware based on the ESP8266 framework for Homie for powering the »ESP8266 beehive scale by Alexander Wilms«. It transmits sensor data using WiFi/MQTT. See also the alternative variant Battery-powered ESP8266 beehive scale based on Homie.

Basic WiFi/MQTT sensor node

node-wifi-mqtt.ino is the source code for a preliminary/testing firmware powering the Open Hive Adafruit Feather HUZZAH based on the ESP8266 core for Arduino. It transmits sensor data using WiFi/MQTT.


List of Yún-based firmwares.



Mois sensor node

node-yun-http.ino is the firmware source code powering the Mois Box. It transmits sensor data by HTTP using the Bridge Library for Yún devices.

Radio: BERadio#

List of radio-based firmwares using the BERadio protocol.




node-rfm69-beradio.ino collects sensor data, encodes it using BERadio and sends it through a RFM69 radio transceiver module to a gateway node. This is the first version of the firmware running on Hiveeyes One since February 2016.


gateway-rfm69-beradio.ino receives sensor data over radio and forwards it to the UART interface, which is connected to the serial port of the gateway machine. In turn, beradio-python reads this data, decodes the BERadio protocol and forwards it to the MQTT bus.

Radio: CSV#

List of radio-based firmwares using CSV serialization.



Open Hive RFM69 sensor node

node-rfm69-csv.ino collects sensor data, encodes it using CSV and sends it through a RFM69 radio transceiver module to a gateway node.

Open Hive JeeLink radio gateway

gateway-rfm69-csv-uart.ino receives sensor data over radio and forwards it to the UART interface suitable for further downstreaming to MQTT using the beradio-python gateway.

Open Hive Arduino Yún gateway

gateway-rfm69-csv-sdcard.ino receives sensor data over radio and stores it to a SD card on an Arduino Yún.


List of auxiliary firmwares.



Firmwares for load cell adjustment

Use these firmwares for adjusting the scale / load cell unit.


The next generation firmwares are currently a work in progress.



multihop firmware

We started working on generic.ino, a flexible software breadboard for RFM-based nodes, relays, and gateways, in June 2016.


We started working on the Hiveeyes Pipa Datalogger, a playground for building a generic C++ datalogger framework in January 2017.