
This handbook will give you an overview about the software shipped within the BERadio package.

Running BERadio

beradio info

On the first invocation, beradio generates your private network and gateway identifiers in form of network_id and gateway_id, which get stored persistently.

Display its contents:

beradio info

It should emit something like:

                  beradio 0.8.1
config file: /Users/amo/Library/Application Support/beradio/config.json
network_id:  696e4192-707f-4e8e-9246-78f6b41a280f
gateway_id:  tug22

beradio forward

When running BERadio as forwarder, it will read BERadio messages from the serial interface (UART) and forward them to the specified MQTT broker:

beradio forward --source='serial:///dev/ttyUSB0' --target='mqtt://username:password@mqtt.example.org/testdrive'

Testing BERadio

For testing things in dry dock without a serial interface available, we have to pretend. This is easy, we can just send data from the command line. To get an idea about what’s possible, please have a look at the Makefile.

Publish multiple measurements as JSON:

beradio forward --source='data://json:{"node": 42, "temperature": 42.84, "humidity": 83}' --target='mqtt://username:password@mqtt.example.org/testdrive'

Publish multiple measurements as BERadio:

beradio forward --source='data://d1:#i42e1:_2:h11:hli488ei572ee1:tli2163ei1925ei1092ei1354ee1:wi10677ee' --target='mqtt://username:password@mqtt.example.org/testdrive'

Publish waveform data:

beradio forward --source='data://func:sine' --target='mqtt://username:password@mqtt.example.org/testdrive'

Running other tools

Decode Bencode payloads

This just decodes from Bencode format:

$ bdecode li999ei99ei1ei2218ei2318ei2462ei2250ee
[999, 99, 1, 2218, 2318, 2462, 2250]

$ bdecode d1:#i999e1:_2:h11:hli488ei572ee1:tli2163ei1925ei1092ei1354ee1:wi10677ee
{'w': 10677, 'h': [488, 572], '#': 999, 't': [2163, 1925, 1092, 1354], '_': 'h1'}

Decode BERadio messages

Let’s throw protocol stuff into the mix. Decode better.

Protocol version 1:

$ beradio decode li999ei99ei1ei2218ei2318ei2462ei2250ee --protocol=1
    "network_id": 999,
    "node_id": 99,
    "gateway_id": 1,
    "temp1": 22.18,
    "temp2": 23.18,
    "temp3": 24.62,
    "temp4": 22.5

Protocol version 2:

$ beradio decode d1:#i999e1:_2:h11:hli488ei572ee1:tli2163ei1925ei1092ei1354ee1:wi10677ee --protocol=2
    "meta": {
        "node": "999",
        "profile": "h1",
        "protocol": "beradio2",
        "network": "696e4192-707f-4e8e-9246-78f6b41a280f",
        "gateway": "tug22"
    "data": {
        "wght1": 106.77,
        "hum1": 488.0,
        "hum2": 572.0,
        "temp1": 21.63,
        "temp2": 19.25,
        "temp3": 10.92,
        "temp4": 13.54


You will see different values for meta.network and meta.gateway, since they will be unique to your setup and are generated once. meta.network uses UUID4, while meta.gateway uses a generator for producing random, pronounceable pseudo-words, called gibberish.

After being generated at the time of first invocation of beradio, they are stored persistently on disk:

Linux:   /home/he-devs/.local/share/beradio/config.json
Mac OSX: /Users/amo/Library/Application Support/beradio/config.json
Windows: unknown

Receive MQTT messages

bemqtt is a basic but convenient MQTT subscriber for setup, testing and debugging.

Subscribe to all messages of the testdrive realm:

bemqtt subscribe --source=mqtt://mqtt.example.org/testdrive

Subscribe to messages of a specific network:

bemqtt subscribe --source=mqtt://mqtt.example.org/testdrive/696e4192-707f-4e8e-9246-78f6b41a280f

Subscribe to values of a single sensor:

bemqtt subscribe --source=mqtt://mqtt.example.org/testdrive/696e4192-707f-4e8e-9246-78f6b41a280f/tug22/999/temp1