Open Hive GSM and WiFi sensor nodes#
Please continue reading this document on our documentation space, all inline links will be working there.
This hybrid firmware supports two different hardware devices. Telemetry data is transmitted using HTTP. Both HX711 and ADS1231 load cell sensor chips are supported. The most recent firmware version is available at openhive-gsm-wifi.ino.

Open Hive Box GSM#

Open Hive WiFi Node#
Platform and supported peripherals#
Open Hive Box GSM: Seeeduino Stalker v2.3 with ATmega328 MCU and GPRSbee GSM modem or
Open Hive WiFi Node: Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 MCU (Fritzing wiring)
HX711 ADC weigh scale breakout board or
ADS1231 ADC weigh scale breakout board
DS18B20 digital thermometer
See also
Nodes with identical hardware: Basic WiFi/MQTT sensor node and ESP8266 beehive scale based on Homie
Clone git repository#
# Acquire source code repository
git clone
# Select this firmware
cd arduino/openhive/openhive-gsm-wifi
Configure firmware#
Have a look at the source code openhive-gsm-wifi.ino and adapt feature flags and setting variables according to your environment:
When using a HX711 sensor:
#define isScaleHX711
When using an ADS1231 sensor:
#define isScaleADS1231
Enable AVR ATmega328 with GPRSbee GSM modem:
#define isGSM
#define APN ""
Enable ESP8266 with integrated WiFi:
#define isWifi
#define WLAN_SSID "your-ssid"
#define WLAN_PW "your-pw"
Configure load cell calibration settings:
// Use sketches "scale-adjust-hx711.ino" or "scale-adjust-ads1231.ino" for calibration
// The raw sensor value for "0 kg"
const long loadCellZeroOffset = 38623;
// The raw sensor value for a 1 kg weight load
const long loadCellKgDivider = 11026;
Read about Firmwares for load cell adjustment to get these values.
Build instructions#
The build system is based on PlatformIO.
Build firmware:
After successfully building it, you will find firmware images at
Upload to MCU#
export MCU_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
make upload