Data acquisition


We offer various ways of sending data to our data collection platform To successfully publish data to the platform, you should get familiar with the addressing scheme. We call it the »quadruple hierarchy strategy«.


The topology hierarchy is made up of a minimum of four identifiers describing the core structure:

realm / network / gateway / node

The topology identifiers are specified as:

  • “realm” is the designated root realm. You should prefix the topic name with this label when opting in for all features of the telemetry platform. For Hiveeyes, this should be called hiveeyes.
  • “network” is your personal realm, it designates the owner. Choose anything you like or use an Online UUID Generator to gain maximum uniqueness.
  • “gateway” is your gateway identifier, it designates a sensor node location. Choose anything you like. This does not have to be very unique, so you might use labels having the names of sites. While you are the owner of this namespace hierarchy, remember these labels might be visible on the collaborative ether, though. So the best thing would be to give kind of nicknames to your sites which don’t identify their location.
  • “node” is your node identifier. Choose anything you like. This usually gets transmitted from a sensor device.

In the following examples, this topology address will be encoded into the variable CHANNEL.

Getting started

We prepared some examples for transmitting measurement values to the “testdrive” channel of our community data collection platform. Feel free to try it on your own, the system currently offers the HTTP and MQTT transport protocols. The accepted payload formats are JSON, x-www-form-urlencoded and CSV.


Publish telemetry data to the MQTT bus using as hostname and hiveeyes as realm, as seen in this example:

# Get hold of a MQTT client of your choice
aptitude install mosquitto-clients

# Define the target address
export CHANNEL=hiveeyes/testdrive/area-42/node-1

# Publish a single measurement sample
echo '{"temperature": 42.84, "humidity": 83}' | mosquitto_pub -h $BROKER -t $CHANNEL/data.json -l


Please use as hostname and hiveeyes as realm, giving a base URI of


As sensor node hardware like the GPRSbee doesn’t do TLS, there’s an additional endpoint for unencrypted communication. In this case, just use:

export HTTPURI=

Use HTTP for submitting telemetry data using the HTTP client of your choice. This example uses HTTPie, a command line http client that will make you smile.

# A. Get hold of a HTTP client of your choice
aptitude install httpie

# B. Define the target address
export HTTPURI=
export CHANNEL=hiveeyes/testdrive/area-42/node-1

# C. Publish a single measurement sample

# C.1 Post as application/json
http POST $HTTPURI/$CHANNEL/data temperature:=42.84 humidity:=83

# C.2 Post as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
http --form POST $HTTPURI/$CHANNEL/data temperature:=42.84 humidity:=83


Single readings

# 1. Define the target address
export HTTPURI=
export CHANNEL=hiveeyes/testdrive/area-42/node-1

# 2. Register field names once
echo '## weight, temperature, humidity, voltage' | http POST $HTTPURI/$CHANNEL/data Content-Type:text/csv

# 3. Send readings
echo '58.697, 19.6, 56.1, 4.13' | http POST $HTTPURI/$CHANNEL/data Content-Type:text/csv

Bulk mode

cat data.csv:

## time, weight, temperature, humidity, voltage
2016-08-14T22:02:06Z, 58.697, 19.6, 56.1, 4.13
2016-08-14T22:22:06Z, 58.663, 19.4, 58.3, 4.13
2016-08-14T22:42:06Z, 58.601, 19.1, 57.7, 4.12

Send readings:

cat data.csv | http POST $HTTPURI/$CHANNEL/data Content-Type:text/csv

Advanced usage

For more detailed information, please have a look at


  • Add more convenience by adding appropriate Javascript widgets.

Client libraries and programs


For feeding a sawtooth signal right from your shell without having any hardware in place, take a look at the Single sawtooth signal page.


For selecting a client library and communication style of your choice, we recommend taking a look at the Kotori data acquisition handbook.