

The system is flexible. It offers different sensor node setups and communication paths for different data acquisition requirements aka. “flavours”.

Sensor hardware

Beehive scales

There are two different hive scale designs aka. “flavours”:

Sensor nodes

Data visualization

Navigate to the automatically populated Grafana testdrive dashboard to watch measurement values floating in. For guidelines about how to link to or embed Grafana dashboards and panels and about how to specify datetime ranges, please read the Grafana.

Data export

Exporting raw data in CSV format is just a matter of accessing https://swarm.hiveeyes.org/api/hiveeyes/testdrive/area-42/node-1/data.txt For more detailed information, please have a look at the data export handbook.

Data alerts

The first preliminary implementation of an automatic Schwarmalarm using mqttwarn for detecting sudden weight-loss and data-loss events and sending alert notifications to beekeepers is ready, enjoy.


The registration for alerts is currently a manual process. Please get back to us for getting support on that.