BERadio sandbox

Code repository

BERadio is hosted at:


Get the sources and invoke the test suite:

git clone
cd beradio
make test-coverage


The process will automatically create a Python virtualenv within the .venv directory.

Generate code coverage HTML report:

coverage html
open htmlcov/index.html

For writing doctests, please have a look at the fine documentation:

Using Mosquitto in Docker

Start Mosquitto MQTT broker:

docker run --rm -it --publish=1883:1883 --publish=9001:9001 --name=mosquitto \
    eclipse-mosquitto mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf

Publish multiple measurements:

make publish-docker data='json:{"temperature": 42.84, "humidity": 83}'

Publish single measurement:

make publish-docker data='value:{"volume": 72}'

Publish waveform data to MQTT broker running inside a Docker container:

make publish-docker-func func=sine

See also


Cutting a release and package publishing

To build a sdist Python package and upload it to the designated package repository, just run for regular minor releases:

make release bump=minor

If it is really just a bugfix, cut a patch release:

make release bump=patch

If things went far, a major release might be indicated:

make release bump=major


It is currently hot-deployed to ~/hiveeyes/beradio on using git and usually running on the master branch inside a tmux session called BERadio. Feel welcome to hack away on it in this place. You can get access to our shared ha-devs environment by sharing your ssh public keys with us.

MQTT topic computing

The second most common thing to amend is probably the way how topic names are computed.

Find its definition in beradio/ lines 116 ff.:

class BERadioMQTTPublisher(MQTTPublisher):
    topic_template = u'{realm}/{network}/{gateway}/{node}/{name}'

Regarding topic naming, please have a look at Everything MQTT.