ESP8266 beehive scale based on Homie


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A beehive monitoring sensor node based on a ESP8266 module and a custom made PCB. Telemetry data is transmitted using WiFi/MQTT.

The standard firmware is based on the ESP8266 framework for Homie, its most recent version is available at node-wifi-mqtt-homie.ino. However, the PCB (ESP8266-BeeScale.fzz) can be used with any firmware.

Open Hive ESP8266 BeeScale

Platform and supported peripherals

  • AI-THINKER ESP8266-07 module with an ESP8266 MCU

  • HX711 ADC weigh scale breakout board

  • DS18B20 digital thermometer


There’s also an alternative firmware Battery-powered ESP8266 beehive scale based on Homie.


The PCB can be downloaded in Fritzing format from ESP8266-BeeScale.fzz.

ESP8266 BeeScale PCB - schematics - top view

PCB - Schematics Top view

ESP8266 BeeScale PCB - top view

PCB - Top view.

ESP8266 BeeScale PCB - bottom view

PCB - Bottom view.


Have a look at the source code node-wifi-mqtt-homie.ino and adapt setting variables according to your environment.

Configure load cell calibration settings:

// Use sketch BeeScale-Calibration to get these values
const float offset = 85107.00;    // Offset load cell
const float cell_divider = 22.27; // Load cell divider

Build instructions

Clone git repository

# Get hold of the source code repository including all dependencies
git clone

# Select this firmware
cd node-wifi-mqtt-homie


The build system is based on PlatformIO.

Build firmware:


After successfully building it, you will find firmware images at

  • .pio/build/esp07/firmware.bin

  • .pio/build/esp07/firmware.elf

Upload to MCU

export MCU_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
make upload

Runtime configuration

The Homie firmware offers different ways of runtime configuration.


When starting the ESP8266 device with Homie firmware, it will come up in configuration mode and spawn a secure WiFi access point named Homie-xxxxxxxxxxxx, like Homie-c631f278df44. Connect to it.

Configure the device by uploading the JSON configuration file to the HTTP JSON API at

# 1. Clone real configuration from blueprint
cp example.config.json config.json

# 2. Edit configuration file
sublime config.json

# 3. Configure device
curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d @config.json


The configuration file config.json can also be uploaded to the device’s SPIFFS filesystem as /homie/config.json.

`makeESPArduino`_ also has the upload_fs target, so:

# 1. Clone real configuration from blueprint
cp example.config.json data/homie/config.json

# 2. Edit configuration file
sublime data/homie/config.json

# 3. Configure device
make upload_fs

User interface

When installing the UI bundleui_bundle.gz”, the configuration UI will be served directly from the device:

# 1. Download ui_bundle.gz
wget --directory-prefix=data/homie

# 2. Configure device
make upload_fs


  • Improve documentation at all

  • Document how to determine calibration values (i.e. “Use sketch BeeScale-Calibration to get these values”). Would it be possible to build it into the main firmware and run it conditionally somehow?

  • Document how to determine scale’s temperature compensation values.