

Have a look at the agenda at Backlog.


For hacking on the repository, there are some guidelines.

Initialize a new firmware flavour#

The following steps are needed to initialize a new project inside the multivariant repository:

# Create new project directory following the naming convention.
mkdir purpose-transport-protocol

# Initialize project directory by bootstrapping from another project.
cp generic/{Makefile,platformio.ini} purpose-transport-protocol/


There are some ways to simulate the MCU code on your workstation.

Run on Unix#

cd generic

# Build arch=x86_64, not Arduino

# Receive data on localhost:4000 (TCP)
socat tcp-listen:4000,reuseaddr -

# Run "generic" program on local workstation, it
# will send data to localhost:4000 through RH_TCP.
file ./sim/generic
sim/generic: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable

Run in SimulAVR#

cd libraries/BERadio/examples/message

# Edit Makefile and enable line "include"

make sim-all


See also

Specification and more at BERadio.