.. _node-wifi-mqtt-homie-battery-changes: ####### CHANGES ####### in-progress =========== - Set some custom settings as default, limited at the moment by issue: https://github.com/marvinroger/homie-esp8266/issues/323 2017-11-02 0.10.0 ================= - Workaround for ArduinoJson regarding float precision. See also https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson/issues/566 2017-04-04 0.9.4 ================ - Add temperature compensation in gram per degree. 2017-03-27 0.9.3 ================ - Add connection error handling to avoid battery drain (WIFI/MQTT Connection issues) Thanks to a broken WIFI and @amotl. 2017-03-27 0.9.2 ================ - Disable 3 of 4 default settings due to bug in homie-esp8266 2017-03-24 0.9.1 ================ - Make use of onHomieEvent to ensure a clean disconnect from broker before deepSleep - Implement a battery check, create a low battery alarm topic to notify user and make the ESP sleep "forever" - All needed settings are now settable via HomieSetting - Modularized code - Add versioning scheme 2017-03-18 0.9.0 ================ - Add JSON output for hiveeyes.org compatibility