.. include:: ../../resources.rst .. _open-hive-firmware-rfm69-gateway-sdcard: ############################# Open Hive Arduino Yún gateway ############################# .. tip:: You might want to `read this document on our documentation space `_, all inline links will be working there. ************ Introduction ************ This firmware runs on the Open Hive RFM69 Arduino Yún, a receiver node using radio link communication. Telemetry data is received from the :ref:`open-hive-firmware-rfm69-node`, decoded from CSV and stored to a SD card. The most recent version is available at `gateway-rfm69-csv-sdcard.ino`_. .. graphviz:: ../node-rfm69-csv/synopsis.dot .. figure:: https://ptrace.hiveeyes.org/2016-06-17_openhive-yun-uno.jpg :alt: Open Hive RFM69 Arduino Yún :width: 640px ***** Build ***** .. highlight:: bash Build on your workstation ========================= :: # Get hold of the source code repository including all dependencies git clone https://github.com/hiveeyes/arduino # Select this firmware cd gateway-rfm69-csv-sdcard # Build firmware make build # Upload to MCU make upload .. tip:: Please inspect the ``platformio.ini`` file, and adjust it to match your setup.