.. include:: resources.rst .. _todo: #### TODO #### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 ---- **** 2019 **** 2019-01-09 ========== - Look at https://github.com/SergiusTheBest/plog, a portable, simple and extensible C++ logging library **** 2017 **** Misc ==== 2017-04-20 ---------- - Make more #define's @ node-gprs-http-firmware-builder:: const long loadCellZeroOffset = 38623; // const long loadCellKgDivider = 22053; // 1/2 value for single side measurement, so that 1 kg is displayed as 2 kg const long loadCellKgDivider = 11026; - With the "Modern, flexible firmware: WiFi, MQTT, JSON" firmware, decode and interpolate the topology information from the channel address into appropriate firmware variables: https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/firmware-builder-beta/265 - check out workbench@elbanco:/opt/esp-open-sdk after resizing /opt - https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk - http://domoticx.com/sdk-esp8266-xtensa-architecture-toolchain/ 2017-04-09 ---------- - [o] Make SerialDebugger optionally use SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE 2017-04-06 ---------- - Further improvements to :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt` - [o] Publish discrete values to the MQTT bus, use MQTT_DISCRETE maybe. - [o] Add debugging using http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/SerialDebugger - [x] Comment: "Connect the D0 pin with RST pin to enable wakeup of the MCU." re. deep sleep mode - On "Adafruit Feather HUZZAH", wire RST with GPIO16, see also https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-huzzah-esp8266/pinouts - [x] @gtuveri: it makes no sense to add #if SENSOR* stuff if SENSOR_DUMMY is true? - [o] @gtuveri: why to proceed within execution if no WiFi connection has been established? - [x] @Thias: ``#define DEEPSLEEP_TIME MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL * 1000UL`` since measurement interval is in ms already - [x] Improve inline comments again - [o] Switch from Adafruit_MQTT to https://github.com/tuanpmt/esp_mqtt or https://github.com/marvinroger/async-mqtt-client? - [x] Add sensor ADS1231 2017-04-05 ---------- - Polish https://github.com/hiveeyes/arduino/tree/master/libraries/ADS1231 - Add http://www.nikolaus-lueneburg.de/2016/10/wemos-d1-mini-battery-shield/ - Announce at http://forum.sodaq.com/t/hive-scale-code/275 when this works on ESP8266 also 2017-04-03 ---------- - https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/TimeAlarms - https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython/blob/master/docs/lopy/quickref.rst - https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython/blob/master/docs/library/network.LoRa.rst 2017-03-31 ---------- - Use LWT (Last Will and Testament) MQTT feature http://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-9-last-will-and-testament - Update TerkinData with appropriate JSON serialization:: int json_length = root.measureLength(); char payload[json_length+1]; root.printTo(payload, sizeof(payload)); See also: https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson/issues/75 - Let all devices send a "system boot" annotation 2017-01-11 ---------- - Document ADS1231 patch for ESP8266, write to forum - Augment calibration sketches to send calibration values to backend? - Use PlatformIO - Rename repository from "arduino" to "firmware" - node-wifi-mqtt: Submit data as JSON container - # If you like this project, please add a star! - Test framework based on gtest: https://github.com/google/googletest 2017-01-10 ---------- - Should use recent ESP8266 Arduino Core, see also https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/compare/2.3.0...master - Properly document correct libraries for individual sketches (A. Nickel) - https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL/pull/4 2017-01-09 ---------- - https://github.com/bogde/HX711/pull/59 - Alternative libraries for ADS1231: - https://github.com/rfjakob/barwin-arduino/tree/master/lib/ads1231 - | https://github.com/jensfranke/ads-1231-particle-library | see also: https://community.particle.io/t/library-for-ads-1231-bee-hive-weigh-scale/21719 - http://forum.sodaq.com/c/beekeeping - Rename node-gprs-http to node-gsm-wifi-http - node-openhive: Make HTTP interface compatible with Hiveeyes backend - node-openhive: Make feature flags compatible with firmware builder **** 2016 **** Misc ==== 2016-12-15 ---------- RaspIO setup - Hardware jumper to decouple SPI from RFM69 - Compile using:: cat Makefile-Linux.mk # RasPIO Hiveeyes, 2016-12-15 BOARD_TAG = gert328 MCU = atmega328p F_CPU = 12000000L ISP_PROG = gpio FORCE_MONITOR_PORT = true - Upload using:: sudo avrdude -P gpio -c gpio -p atmega328p -v -U flash:w:../../bin/src/gert328/src.hex - Enable UART on /dev/ttyS0:: root@raspberrypi:~# cat /boot/config.txt | grep uart enable_uart=1 - Use the **correct** serial device:: screen /dev/ttyS0 115200 .. seealso:: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/47671/why-my-program-wont-communicate-through-ttyama0-on-raspbian-jessie - Stop picocom:: CTRL + A + X 2016-12-02 ---------- - [o] Investigate alternative HX711 library - http://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/queuetue-digital-balance-library - http://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/queuetue-hx711-library - https://github.com/queuetue/Q2-Balance-Arduino-Library - https://github.com/queuetue/Q2-HX711-Arduino-Library - [o] Migrate from StandardCplusplus to ArduinoSTL? - https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL - http://platformio.org/lib/show/750/ArduinoSTL - See also https://github.com/maniacbug/StandardCplusplus/pull/20 2016-11-01 ---------- - [o] Provide complete Zip Snapshot of Repository contents 2016-11-01 ---------- - [o] Add http://platformio.org/ - [o] Add https://nodemcu-build.com/ - [o] Add https://www.heise.de/developer/artikel/Auf-Kommando-3361570.html Bugs ==== - [x] Fix git submodule dependency when cloning freshly, still does not track feature branches. - [o] BERadio: Try to use BERadioShadowEncoder again - [o] BERadio: message.set_mtu_size(96); (!!!) - [o] generic.ino-gateway: put delay, to allow serial interrupt - [o] BERadio: Add warning message if BERadioMessage overflows buffer of EmBencode (display only once!) Features ======== - [x] Add main sketch from Clemens - [o] Automatic firmware building for node-gprs-http - [o] Add scale adjustment sketches for ADS1231 and HX711 BERadio ------- - [x] Pluck into RadioHead, finally (char* to uint8_t* geschwummse) - [x] Send data through RadioHead's RH_TCP driver - [x] Debugging Infrastructure (dprint, memfree) - [o] Integrate BERadio with Terkin transmitter infrastructure - [o] Make :ref:`Kotori` receive data from RH_TCP driver - [o] Make std::string to uint8_t conversion available at BERadioMessage::send Libraries --------- - [o] Move to https://github.com/rocketscream/Low-Power Documentation ============= - [o] Credits and more upstream references - [o] CONTRIBUTORS.rst - [o| node-gprs-http/README.rst - [o] Display licenses in documentation - [o] Properly document BOARD_TAG vs. BOARD_SUB for Arduino 1.0.x vs. 1.6.x Packaging ========= - [o] Project packaging (tarball, zip?) and publishing - [o] Add ``git push github master`` to ``make release``. Don't miss the tags! - [o] Also publish to aPlatformIO_ - [o] Detect when compling against Arduino 1.0.x vs. 1.6.x and adjust BOARD_TAG vs. BOARD_SUB appropriately. Platforms ========= - [o] Get into aESP8266_ **** 2015 **** Main ==== - [x] Add Arduino gateway code, e.g. ``gateway-rfm69-beradio`` - [x] Add ``node-wifi-mqtt`` from Clemens - [x] Add :ref:`libberadio` spike and associated documentation from :ref:`beradio` BERadio ------- - [x] Send ``embencode.patch`` upstream to enable OO-based composition - [x] Integrate ``StandardCplusplus`` via git submodule - [x] Try to use it from regular sketches. Watch the firmware sizes! Documentation ============= - [x] Add Sphinx for documentation - [x] Purge docs/build from git repository - [x] Interlink Sphinx (conf.py) with hiveeyes, beradio kotori docs - [x] Add "Howto use inotool" to README - [x] Check out different Sphinx theme - [x] Publish at https://hiveeyes.org/docs/arduino/ Infrastructure ============== For more tooling like distribution package building, see :ref:`beradio` and :ref:`kotori` repositories - [x] Add Makefile for convenience - [x] Add bumpversion for release cutting - [x] Find other modern command line driven Arduino IDE replacement, maybe just use ArduinoMk ******** Appendix ******** .. _aESP8266: ESP8266 ======= - https://github.com/plerup/makeEspArduino - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/boards.txt - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/platform.txt .. _aPlatformIO: PlatformIO ========== - http://platformio.org/ - http://platformio.org/lib/show/92/RFM69 - http://platformio.org/lib/show/276/AESLib - http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/librarymanager/config.html#dependencies - http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/librarymanager/config.html#library-json - http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/librarymanager/creating.html#library-creating-examples - http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/userguide/lib/cmd_install.html#cmd-lib-install - http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/platforms/atmelavr.html#packages